ICT Solutions

End User Support

End User Support

B&D System Engineers provides onsite, carry-in and remote access computer support. The level of support is dependent on the client’s business requirements and will be made up of the following components: 

  • Answer technical questions; 
  • Provide answers in a searchable knowledge base; 
  • Solve end-user-induced problems; 
  • Supply a technician/s; 
  • Troubleshoot the problem.

We provide this support in the following ways: ​

Onsite Support

We supply one or more of our trained technicians to visit your site on a monthly or weekly basis. You are allocated dedicated technicians who will become familiar with your business and technology over time. Their visit will be a minimum of 4 hours a month and will increase from there depending on your needs.

Remote Support

Technicians are also able to provide computer support by logging in to the afflicted computer remotely. In doing so, the technician is able to experience exactly the problem the user is experiencing. This makes it easier to isolate the cause of the problem and resolve the issue faster. Technicians log in from our premises where network security and anti-virus control is very carefully monitored so that we do not expose the afflicted computer to any additional risks.

Online Support

Authorized clients may access the B&D System Engineers online helpdesk to review technical documentation. Users may also record issues for technicians to resolve. If the issue is identified as critical and needing immediate response, the system will signal the technician via text messaging so that the technician can promptly respond to it. The online system also allows managers to track and monitor the response effectiveness of each issue recorded and for clients to provide feedback on the level of service they have received.

Telephone Support

Faults and problems can be logged by calling the helpdesk. Similarly with the online method, if the issue is high priority, the technician will be contacted so that they can attend to it as soon as possible.

Emergency Support

Support is available 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. Users can call the helpdesk or log on to the B&D System Engineers online helpdesk site to record a critical line-down situation. The on-call technician will be dispatched immediately.

Internet Services via 3Gi (our sister company)

Internet Services are more than just getting a web page up and running. 3Gi designs web sites, provides e-commerce solutions and Internet connectivity over ADSL, LTE, Wireless, Fibre to The Home, Business Fibre and other Broadband services. Our packages are perfectly suited to cater for all needs whether you are a home user or business.

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Are you ready for a better, more productive business
